Mindful Leader

Dennis Shaw is a musician, marathoner (Boston!), retired military officer, math modeler, muse, and United Methodist Pastor. A keen observer of the human condition, he has degrees in music, quantitative methods (don’t ask!), theology and leadership. He will discuss with other leaders how to become engaged and present in our current leadership opportunities. Critical to leadership is strong self-awareness. Becoming authentic, empathetic, and aware will form the framework of all discussions. You can access and follow this podcast on Apple, Podbean, Spotify and Amazon Music.

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Friday Apr 13, 2018

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 (Taken from Eugene Peterson's The Message) 
This week during our Unafraid series, Pastor Dennis asks the question: Do we trust each other enough to be able to deal with our differences in a way that does not lead to schism? How much is due to a lack of trust in God and between one another. Paul's call to the community is to be reminded that if God is for us, who can be against us? We are reminded and comforted, that although challenges are always before us, it's nothing new under the sun. 

Friday Apr 13, 2018

Bob Scarborough vulnerably reflects on his own life experiences to recap Hilltop's Unafraid series. He elaborated on the fear of being alone and the fear of failure. He reminded us that the Lord who calls us to be fearless is for us and with us. 

Friday Apr 13, 2018

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:19
Listen in as Pastor Dennis offers reflections of the Church's tradition of observing Lent and takes us on a  journey into Paul's care and lament over the church in Corinth. 

Thursday Apr 12, 2018

Text 1 Peter 3:13-22
Our first Sunday in Lent called us to remember who we are in Christ. We are a peculiar or "chosen" people, marked out by our baptism. This letter is a call to be encouraged, even when we face trials or suffering because of it. Baptism calls us to remember Christ's passion on our behalf. 

Thursday Apr 12, 2018

Text: Romans 4:13-25
On the second Sunday of Lent we examined the biblical story of Abraham. His faith is an example that still calls to us today. From Abraham would come the seed through whom all nations of the world will be blessed. The call and covenant of God with Abraham would have been a story that Jesus would have been familiar with. It is ultimatley a story of God's faithfulness. This faith story provides continuity between the Old and New Testaments. We cannot understand the latter without the former.

Thursday Apr 12, 2018

Text: Exodus 20:1-17
On the third Sunday in Lent we take a look at the two tables known as Ten Commandments. 
Tablet One deals with loving God.
Tablet Two deals with loving our neighbors.
The call for the Christian is to keep these two callings ever before us. As we love the LORD our God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength, we will then live such lives that allow us to love and affrim our neighbors. 

Thursday Apr 12, 2018

Text: Ephesians 2:1-10
Join us this week as Susan Dunlap reflects on Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus and how reconciliation looks in the chruch as they serve a world that is diverse, but beautiful. 
Because of Christ, we are not only reconcilied with the Father, but we can now also be reconclied with one another. 

Thursday Apr 12, 2018

Text: Jeremiah 31:31-34
How shoud we understand the story we find in Scripture? How do we, as a community, develop a church-wide approach to teh good work of studying and wrestling with Scritpure. How do we understand the role of tradition 
5 Rules for Studying the Bible: 
We understand the Bible through Jesus 
Look for the spirit of the passage 
Find Scriptures that give you a lens to have the eyes of your heart opened  
Read and study the great teachers (Yes, that includes Bonhoeffer)
Be careful not to create your own theology and tradition 
Studying God's Word takes work, but it is a good work permeated with grace and truth. 

Thursday Apr 12, 2018

Holy Week begins with Palm SUnday. Join us as we reflect on the events of this week thorugh the lens of Mark's Gospel, reflecting on Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. Instead of a coronation we find a sudden and tragic turn of events that finds Jesus on a cross. We reflected on the words, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom." 

Thursday Apr 12, 2018

Please join us as we reflect on Christ's death during Holy Week. Rev. Olga Hard draws us into this story and reminds us why Good Friday, is indeed, good news for all the world.  

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